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Instructor 06

Sensory Experience Consultant

With a profound understanding of the psychology of scent and its impact on human emotions and behavior, our Sensory Experience Consultant brings a unique perspective to the world of fragrances. Their expertise lies in creating immersive olfactory experiences that enhance environments and elevate brand interactions.


Our Sensory Experience Consultant's journey began in the field of cognitive psychology, where they explored the intricate connections between the senses and human perception. After earning advanced degrees in Psychology and Sensory Studies, they have spent over a decade designing sensory experiences for a variety of industries, including hospitality, retail, and wellness.

Their philosophy is rooted in the belief that scent is a powerful tool for creating memorable and impactful experiences. By leveraging scientific insights and creative design, our Sensory Experience Consultant helps clients craft environments that engage the senses and leave lasting impressions.


Our Sensory Experience Consultant excels in a range of skills essential to designing effective sensory experiences. Their expertise ensures that each project is scientifically grounded and creatively executed.

  • Sensory Psychology95%
  • Experience Design90%
  • Olfactory Branding85%
  • Environmental Scenting80%

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