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Instructor 03

Life Style Specialist

With a holistic approach to well-being and a deep understanding of sensory experiences, our Lifestyle Specialist brings a unique perspective to the world of fragrances. Their expertise lies in integrating scents into daily life to enhance mood, productivity, and overall quality of living.


Our Lifestyle Specialist's journey began in the wellness industry, where they discovered the profound impact of scents on human behavior and emotions. After years of studying aromatherapy, psychology, and sensory marketing, they've spent the last decade helping individuals and businesses create harmonious, scent-enhanced environments.

Their philosophy is rooted in the belief that fragrance is more than just a pleasant smell—it's a powerful tool for transformation. By thoughtfully incorporating scents into various aspects of life, from personal care routines to workspace design, our Lifestyle Specialist helps clients achieve balance, focus, and joy in their daily experiences.


Our Lifestyle Specialist excels in a range of skills that bridge the gap between fragrance and well-being. Their expertise encompasses not only the practical applications of scents but also the psychological and emotional impacts that make fragrances a vital part of a fulfilling lifestyle.

  • Scent Integration95%
  • Aromatherapy Techniques90%
  • Sensory Marketing85%
  • Personal Wellness Coaching 80%

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