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Advancing Perfume Science

Parfumerie De France has established partnerships with prestigious French research institutes, including ISIPCA's research division and the Centre de Recherche et d'Etudes en Parfumerie. These collaborations bring cutting-edge scientific knowledge to our platform.

These institutes are at the forefront of perfume research, focusing on developing new fragrance molecules, studying the psychological and physiological effects of scents, and exploring sustainable and eco-friendly perfumery practices.

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.

Our collaboration with these research institutes enriches our curriculum with the latest scientific advancements in perfumery. Students gain insights into emerging trends and technologies, enhancing their ability to innovate in fragrance creation.

Benefits To Our Students

Through our partnerships, students will have access to exclusive resources, mentorship opportunities, and a network of industry leaders that will significantly enhance their educational journey. This connection to the professional community allows students to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the fragrance sector.

  • Latest research findings in perfumery science

  • Opportunities to participate in research projects

  • Understanding of scientific methodologies in fragrance development

  • Insights into emerging trends and technologies in the field

By collaborating with these research institutes, Parfumerie De France ensures that our education is not just based on traditional knowledge, but is also informed by the latest scientific advancements. This scientific foundation prepares our students to be innovative leaders in the evolving world of perfumery.

Leaders Testimonials

What They Say About us

“ The collaboration with Parfumerie De France has allowed us to share our rich heritage with the next generation of perfumers. Their commitment to excellence aligns perfectly with our values. ”

Luxury Perfume Brand


“ Parfumerie De France's innovative approach to education, coupled with their strong industry partnerships, is shaping the future of the fragrance industry. We're proud to be associated with such a forward-thinking institution. ”

Olfactory Museum


“ Parfumerie De France's partnerships bring unparalleled value to the fragrance education landscape. Their students consistently demonstrate a deep understanding of both the art and science of perfumery. ”

Fragrance House

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